ok, Here I go.......
My hubby and I upgraded from our 29g to a 75g. we have cycled completely trates are still kinda high after 7 weeks but we have found out that it's because of our CC. So we are planning on changing our CC to LS very soon that's a whole new question. But anyway. We were going to sell our 29g but we decided to keep it. We did have a 2 1/2 g QT that was fully cycled and we were using for a qt. After our last fish died. He thought for sure it was that small tank and dumped it all out and said we were not going to use it ever again. I kinda disagree with that. I thought we should keep it up for medications (hospital tank). Then have the 29g as a qt. What does anyone think of that? Back to our 29g.
Our Plan
When we get ready to do our next water change we are going to use the water from our 75g to put into the 29g. Is this good or bad?
I have the the FAQ on setting up a QT. We will paint the outside or just buy some black back drop (i think that's what it is called ) for the back, sides, and bottom of the tank.
When we will be using our 204 Fluval canister in the 29. Since we have the 404 in our 75. At this time we have been using both we didn't want the 204 just to sit around collecting dust.
Should we rinse our canister out? Also the Media trays? Or change them out before putting it into the 29. I would think not to but just want to make sure.
We are planning on upgrading our skimmer but not just yet but when we do we will put our skimmer in the 29. For now does the QT(29) need a skimmer?
Should we put any of the CC that's in our 75 into the 29?To help it cycle? LR?
This tank will stay set up for QT/Hospital unless the 2 1/2g would of been ok for Hospital tank. In that case the 29 will be used for QT only then should we put LS in that? Set it up almost exactly the same way you would your display tank??
The reasons for the 2 1/2g is becuase we have a hippo that we have had for about 3 weeks and it's showing signs of ich. We don't want to treat the 75g with copper but then again we were told if one has it they will all have it so maybe we should treat the whole tank? I'm not sure if the 29 would be ready for her to be treated.
We don't need a heater at this time for the 29 or the 75 our temp is pretty steady between 78-80
We had to buy a brand new light fixture for the 29 with the hood so lighting will be there.
Last question I think anyway..**smile**
If we can set back up our 2 1/2 for hospital use only. What should be put in it? We had an air stone, whisper filter in it would it need something else or was that enough?
All the help would be greatly appreciated. We are planning on possiably doing this all this weekend when we change our CC to LS.
Thanks Again,
My hubby and I upgraded from our 29g to a 75g. we have cycled completely trates are still kinda high after 7 weeks but we have found out that it's because of our CC. So we are planning on changing our CC to LS very soon that's a whole new question. But anyway. We were going to sell our 29g but we decided to keep it. We did have a 2 1/2 g QT that was fully cycled and we were using for a qt. After our last fish died. He thought for sure it was that small tank and dumped it all out and said we were not going to use it ever again. I kinda disagree with that. I thought we should keep it up for medications (hospital tank). Then have the 29g as a qt. What does anyone think of that? Back to our 29g.
Our Plan
When we get ready to do our next water change we are going to use the water from our 75g to put into the 29g. Is this good or bad?
I have the the FAQ on setting up a QT. We will paint the outside or just buy some black back drop (i think that's what it is called ) for the back, sides, and bottom of the tank.
When we will be using our 204 Fluval canister in the 29. Since we have the 404 in our 75. At this time we have been using both we didn't want the 204 just to sit around collecting dust.
Should we rinse our canister out? Also the Media trays? Or change them out before putting it into the 29. I would think not to but just want to make sure.
We are planning on upgrading our skimmer but not just yet but when we do we will put our skimmer in the 29. For now does the QT(29) need a skimmer?
Should we put any of the CC that's in our 75 into the 29?To help it cycle? LR?
This tank will stay set up for QT/Hospital unless the 2 1/2g would of been ok for Hospital tank. In that case the 29 will be used for QT only then should we put LS in that? Set it up almost exactly the same way you would your display tank??
The reasons for the 2 1/2g is becuase we have a hippo that we have had for about 3 weeks and it's showing signs of ich. We don't want to treat the 75g with copper but then again we were told if one has it they will all have it so maybe we should treat the whole tank? I'm not sure if the 29 would be ready for her to be treated.
We don't need a heater at this time for the 29 or the 75 our temp is pretty steady between 78-80
We had to buy a brand new light fixture for the 29 with the hood so lighting will be there.
Last question I think anyway..**smile**
If we can set back up our 2 1/2 for hospital use only. What should be put in it? We had an air stone, whisper filter in it would it need something else or was that enough?
All the help would be greatly appreciated. We are planning on possiably doing this all this weekend when we change our CC to LS.
Thanks Again,