Questions On Stock?


Active Member
ok I have a 29g Bio Cube Here's current stock.
1 false perc clown (had 2 1 died
1 fire fish ( cute little thing)
1 Cleaner shrimp
I want to get
1 yellow tang
1 scooter blenny
I am going to upgrade to 75g to 90g in 1 year or less only going to move yellow tang though then get more fish in big tank what do you think


Staff member
Wait until you get the larger tank. The tang would be far too stressed for the BioCube.


Well-Known Member

Yellow tangs like really long big tanks. If you really want a yellow fish, try a Lemonpeel dwarf angel, they really eat algae good too, including hair algae.


Originally Posted by levinjac
ok I have a 29g Bio Cube Here's current stock.
1 false perc clown (had 2 1 died
1 fire fish ( cute little thing)
1 Cleaner shrimp
I want to get
1 yellow tang
1 scooter blenny
I am going to upgrade to 75g to 90g in 1 year or less only going to move yellow tang though then get more fish in big tank what do you think

Originally Posted by SWFishy
Wait until you get the larger tank. The tang would be far too stressed for the BioCube.
It doesn't matter how small the fish is at the time you purchase it. These fish are not designed for small tanks with limited swimming room. By placing a fish, especially a tang in a tank that is smaller than the minimum standard requirement, you will cause the fish to be much more stressed, territorial and aggressive. In all honesty, it probably won't survive the year until you upgrade for numerous reasons, but a big one being the stress it would put on the bioload of the tank, so just wait. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee you will get a bigger tank either, so again, you're much better off waiting.
A scooter blenny is also not a good idea, I'd wait until you had a bigger tank. They eat copepods and require lots of live rock.
Originally Posted by levinjac

Thanks If i were to get an angle could I should I get a coral beauty
If you add a dwarf angel, the coral beauty is one of the better options, they are far less likely to nip at corals and overall and hardy fish. This being said, if you do add a dwarf angel, I would not add anything else, MAYBE a small goby.


New Member
In the same tank I have as follows with no issues with too much load.
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Purple Firefish
1 Flasher Wrasse
1 Flametail Blenny
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Yellow Clown Goby
1 Randall's Goby
1 Royal Gramma
1 Blue Damsel
Also 16 hermits, 3 Turbo snails, two pompom crabs, a porcelain crab, and a bunch of coral.
From a standpoint of bio load, you'll be fine. I had a yellow tang in a 14g BioCube for a month without issue, but I wouldn't have left it in there much longer.


Originally Posted by kempobmx1
In the same tank I have as follows with no issues with too much load.
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Purple Firefish
1 Flasher Wrasse
1 Flametail Blenny
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Yellow Clown Goby
1 Randall's Goby
1 Royal Gramma
1 Blue Damsel
Also 16 hermits, 3 Turbo snails, two pompom crabs, a porcelain crab, and a bunch of coral.
From a standpoint of bio load, you'll be fine. I had a yellow tang in a 14g BioCube for a month without issue, but I wouldn't have left it in there much longer.
That is a huge stocklist! I can't argue too much, because my 155G is a heavily stocked tank, but I've also had to mod filtration to make it work. What are you doing for filtration on this tank? How often do you do water changes?