

- what is a NUDIBRANCH...can i keep one in a 45 FOWLR?
-Can i keep a MOORISH IDOL in my 45?
- Can i keep a dwarf seahorse in my 45 with 2 clowns a shrimp and coming soon...a coral beauty? also linkia star..
- Can i put a harlequin shrimp in with my cleaner or will they fight???
Thanks! in advance!
Mr.Marine :p :p :p :p :p :D :D :confused:

mr . salty

Active Member
A Nudibranch is also called a "sea slug.There are literally hundreds of diferent ones,and they all eat something diferent.But that ONE thing that they eat,is the ONLY thing that they eat.So because of this,they don't live very long in captivity.I would not suggest getting one...Moorish Idols are the most dificult fish too keep on the market.They also are VERY pickey eaters,and also as a result,most starve too death in a few weeks.(another bad choice)Seahorses really need to be kept in thier own tank.They are very poor swimmers,so the current in your tank WILL be too much for them.They also are pickey,and slow eaters.So the other fish in the tank will eat ALL the food long before he even gets one piece....I'm not sure about the shrimp,,,But I would skip all the above...


Active Member
Pretty much everything you mentioned is some of the hardest stuff to keep with the exception probably being the coral beauty


Man, I know it sounds disappointing, but there are lots of things you can add, just not a lot of what you mentioned. The Blue Linkias are supposedly tough if you acclimate them correctly, I was accidentally shipped two of them so I acclimated them the same way I did everything else and they didn't make it too long. I didn't have a computer at home to get on the Internet and learn about them unfortunately.
I love the Harlequin shrimp and I have heard that they are pretty hardy, except they ONLY eat Starfish and the like. You will have to freeze starfish and cut off parts to feed to the shrimp. It might be worth it, they are very cool.