

- what is a NUDIBRANCH...can i keep one in a 45 FOWLR?
-Can i keep a MOORISH IDOL in my 45?
- Can i keep a dwarf seahorse in my 45 with 2 clowns a shrimp and coming soon...a coral beauty? also linkia star..
- Can i put a harlequin shrimp in with my cleaner or will they fight???
Thanks! in advance!
Mr.Marine :p :p :p :p :p :D :D :confused:


a nudibranch is a sea slug which come in many different colors and are great for any size reef with enough algae and no a 45 is way to small for a moorish idol


Some nudibranches are specilized feeders that will die of starvation in your tank and pollute it. Others like the sea hare are good algae eaters. Be careful which one you buy!
Moorish idols are notoriously difficult fish and should only be attempted by experienced fishkeepers.
A seahorse in a large tank is not a good idea because they find it difficult to locate food. Also the other fish would most likely out compete the seahorse for food. These guys usually do much better in 20g high tanks alone!
Don't know about the shrimp fighting......


i dont know about the moorish idol. but i would recommend against the sea horse and nudibranch for the reasons mentioned above. sea horses have no stomach and have to eat about 3 times a day, and they just wont get the food they need with a couple of clown fish to compete with.