

Hello everybody, I new to the salt water arena.
I have a few questions, first of all last week I bought a Cleaner Shrimp, I did everything I'm supposed to do to acclimate him to the tank, I finally placed him into the tank and within 20mins he was dead. I tested everything in my water and came up ok, any thoughts?
Just to let you know what I have in my tank: 55gal tank, protein skimmer, bio wheel,
194gph powerhead. 1. clown fish, 1. Damsel, 2. Eel Gobys, 1. Porcilin Crab, 1. Lawnmower Blenny, 1. Brittle Star, 6. Hermit Crabs, 1. Banded Coral Shrimp,1. Curly Cue Anom.(cant spell).
ALso what else would be good to place in my tank?
and about 38lbs of Live Rock.
Any help would be appriciated sorry I'm so long winded.


Active Member
What are all your levels at? nitrate, salinity, etc.. and how long did you acclimate him for?


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!!
Yes, please post water parameters. Also, how old is the tank? What kind of lights do you have (for the anemone).
Your tank looks like it is pretty much full with the exception of snails as long as your star doesn't eat them.


salinty: 1.024
alkalinty: 0
Nitrate: .1
Nitrite: 0
PH: 1.8
I have just a regular hood, no High Output lights.
The Starfish stays inside one of the rocks.
I've had the tank for about four months.

darth tang

Active Member
salinty: 1.024
alkalinty: 0
Nitrate: .1
Nitrite: 0
PH: 1.8
Are you absolutely sure those readings are right? If so you have a MAJOR problem with PH and alkalinity.
Also what is your ammonia.