

New Member
I bought a used 40 gal from a friend. It came with an undergravel filter and I left it in there because the lfs said you cannot have too much filtration. I am going to change from CC to a DSB and want to know if I should get rid of the Undergravel filter? How many pounds of sand do i need for a 40 gal? I have a Fluval 401. Is that enough filtration? Do I need a protein skimmer? Sorry for all the ?'s, but I want to do this right the first time.


Get rid of the UGF. Most people on this board don't like them under any circumstances but particularly if you're going to put in a DSB. The DSB works because it provides an anerobic zone where de-nitrifying bacteria can grow. If you have a UGF sucking air down through your DSB, it will never provide that anerobic zone.
Of course, much of your DSB would ultimately end up UNDER the UGF .
I have a 45 gallon tank with a Fluval 304, which provides plenty of filtration. I've also got a sand bed and about 40 lbs of live rock. If I were you, I'd upgrade the filter or add lots more LR ......or both.


Sorry....forgot to respond to that:rolleyes:
Protein skimmers are invaluable when trying to control algea. They remove the nutrients that algea uses to grow. I'm guessing your tank is fairly new. If so, you problably don't need a skimmer yet. You probably will as your tank matures.


Active Member
Definitely dump the UGF. I ran one for a while before I switched from CC to DSB. They are OK at best when used with CC, but will not be beneficial (may actually be harmful) to a DSB. I can't comment on the Fluval... never used one.
I have a 44g tank and I have about 80lbs LS. However, mine is a pentagon tank so its footprint is probably smaller than your standard 40g tank. Just guessing here... I'd say that you'll probably need approx 120lbs LS. Give me the dimensions of your tank and I'll be able to give you a better number. For comparison's sake, my 75g tank (48"x18") took about 180lbs of sand.
As for a skimmer... I don't use one. I believe that a balanced tank that is well taken care of (periodic water changes, not overfed, not overstocked, good amount of LR/LS) doesn't need one. That's just me though. The need for a skimmer has been discussed several times on this board in great lenght... there is no right answer on this one. However... having one will never hurt you, but not having one might.