Quick Clown - Anemone Question


I have two small clownfish in my tank that I bought a few weeks ago.
Today I went to my LFS and bought a large anemone which was in a tank filled with clownfish and which had a clownfish deep in it's arms when I was there.
I put it in my tank, but my clownfish have no interest. Any idea why? Do some species of clownfish not like anemone??


Active Member
Clowns will either take to an amenone or they won't. Give them more time, maybe it will happen, but there's no guarantees. :D


Also what type is your clown and what type is your anemone. And yes...it sometimes takes time before they realize that an anemone is home...especially tank bred clowns.....My ocellaris had no clue till my he saw my clarkii live in it...after I took out the clarkii, the ocellaris now took to the anemone.


I have two of what I believe are called Saddleback Clowns. The ones that swim in an odd up and down pattern.
The anemone is a grey long tentacle blanket anemone I believe which I bought at my LFS after literally evicting a clown that was in the middle of it.
I thought the anemone would be protection for my clowns from a nasty damsel...or better yeat that the damsel would get eaten by it.


Blanket anemone? You mean carpet?
Take a look at the anemones in the invert section of the retail shop on the left and see if you can identify it.


My mistake... It's a "long tentacle anemone."
Interesting....the anemone has moved from the bright area to an area just under a rock ledge. I'm not sure why...I thought it liked light. By the way...should I be feeding it something? Someone said cocktail shrimp?


Active Member
my maroons accept ANY rbta readily. they are strange like that. they usually are ready to go in when i am just floating the bag.


My anemone has finally quit moving and has settled down in the same place for a month and I have had the clowns and anemone for 2 months and only one shows interest in it and thats when I chase them to see if I can get them to go in the anemone.


Well....looks like a moot point...
My anenome appears to be dying and I have no idea why :eek:(
He was doing just great this morning, and when I checked on him at lunch he was completely shrivelled into himself. Now he looks like he's melting and I have no idea why.
Checked my chemicals...all looks perfect.
Amm. 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 30.... No clue what went wrong.
Any ideas????


i have two clowns percula and a maroon i have a 44 gal tank and 4 damsels and another fish that is half purple and half yellow. i have 10 pounds of liverock i want to get a anemone for my clowns but i have 17 wwats of light is this enough and how much do i need?


17 watts normal output = death sentance to any anemone.
You will need at least 4+ watts per gallon of VHO,PC and or MH lighting, to obtain a chance at sucess with the least light requiring anemones.


My anemone, as of yet, is still alive...and I'm wondering about lighting.
I have a PC light with plenty of wattage...yet when the anemone was put in the tank, it settled into an area under a rock ledge where it's in the shadow.
I've tried moving it, but it's affixed to the rock and I don't want to hurt it. What should I do?? Leave it alone and assume it can see where the light is? Pry it off the rock somehow?


Active Member
Bleached anemones may often hide and shrink away from strong lighting. It may take some time to regain its zooxanthelae. If this is the case then the best thing to do IMO is the just leave it. If you are still worried about it you can try just flipping the rock over, and if it doesn't like that it will just crawl back under.
How many watts of PC lighting do you have?


Active Member
i find temperture being a factor as well.
my anemone in my small tank is really really close to the light source, like six inches.