Quick Cure

mr. limpid

Active Member
Anyone use this product before I did and it worked, its ingredients are Formalin, Malachite Green. My question is that I have a Cream Angle in hypo now for 10 days and the white spots are not falling off and his breathing has gotten a little worse. During eating he scratches his gills. Should I wait a little longer or add Quick Ick and can I add this product while he is in hypo. I heard of ick that can survive hypo?


Staff member
What are your water readings in the QT?
What are you using to measure salinity, and what is the salinity reading?


Staff member
Any chance that you can post some pictures of the sick fish and the spots?
The problem with the Malachite Green is that it turns the water green. Making it rather hard to assess the the fish's condition.