Quick dumb question


Is the rusty brown stuff on my ls algae? I'm almost certian it is. Do I need to to a water change and will any of the "cleaning crew" get rid of it? Too muck lighting? All water levwels tested perfect.
Thanks. You all are great here. I have learned more than I ever thought possible.:cheer:
Oh, I had an Achilles Tang that came with the tank I bought. Beautiful fellow. Made the trip in 8" of water on a 1 hr drive. Survived overnight in a bucket with a bubbler. Acclimated to the new water and tank mates. He got wedged between to LRs and drowned. Lessen learned the really hard way. Put your rocks together touching or far enough apart so that your friends can't get stuck.


BUT, it was a perviously established tank. It had been up and stable for two months. Could I be overfeeding? And what is a diatoms? I suspect these are bad.:notsure:
What do I need to do? Any help is GREATLY apperciated!!!
p.s. will this stuff grow on the glass too? It was kind of podwery when I scrapped it off.:nervous:


Diatoms are good!! Yea, but how do I know and what do they do? Will they hurt anything? It kinda looks bad. I did notice that when the lights are on for a while it seems to "spread". If I leave the lights off, it seems to "disappear". Is that right?
Geez, I think I should get a book and stop bothering all of you good people.
Thanks again for your patience and assistance!!!!



Originally posted by Toni
Diatoms are a good thing, not bad.

your telling me that brown stuff is good!:notsure:
i had it in my tank i ended up an entire rock! it started light then it turned from light brown to burnt sienna! my snail cleared it up though. iif i knew that was good.... ARRHH:mad:


I think to clear things up on the "Good / Bad" issue, it is good that diatoms are growing, but it is ok if your snails eat them and keep them in check. They aren't that pretty so that's one of the reasons we put inverts like snails and starfish and cukes in our tanks.