Quick help needed


New Member
I moved from a 35 hex into a 75 rec....all went well except for the bubble anenome who seemed to be in trouble since the move...he was still attached to rock but never opened up and just didn't look good....yesterday he moved from one rock to another nearby....this morning i found him in the sand face down...I righted him but can't figure out whether he's alive or not. I don't want to leave him in the tank if he's dead as he will pollute the tank...on the other hand I dont want to pull him out if he's still alive....help please?


Probably not a lot of help, but if the anem. felt as it did when you put him in the tank as when you picked him up off the sand he should be fine. My understanding is that when they die they get really soft and jelly-like with no soildness so to speak. I hope this helps.


Active Member
the only help IO can be is - if yo uare worried then move it into a Q tank so if it is dying then you will not pollutethe tank. Personally it is probably stressed and trying to find a new home and moved off the rtocks to the sand.
keep an eye on it and good luck!