Quick help please


long story short..granddaughter dumped whole can of tropical fish food into salt tank...we quickly removed everything and vaccumed bottom did a 50% water change,and tested water 2 hours later...everything is perfect,this will not cause a cycle will it?should i go ahead and put rocks,cleanup crew and fish back?water is still real cloudy is all ok?since i know you guys,55 gal tank,ammonia 0,nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ph 8.2 and all living things in 2 5 gal buckets with filters running. they are in the water which was fouled but we dumped it out before we vaccumed the food.


Active Member
It sounds like you did everything right. in fact, if there's a problem, it may be the 50% water change. now you have a tank that is 50% uncycled water. if there IS another cycle, it will be from the fish, rock, and sand, not the uneaten food. but if your tank has been up awhile, it should probably be ok.


used distilled water..does that help?gosh,i also changed all the filters..but did not clean the protien skimmer,just dumped the gunk


Active Member
how long has the tank been set up? you should never change all filters at once, no matter what the situation, imo. that large of a water change and changing all the filters was probably not the best move. if you still have the old filters, I'd put half of them back in. how much live rock and sand do you have? if you have enough and the tank has been up long enough, you may have a good enough biological filter to withstand this. but I'd definitely try to put some of the filter pads back in. all new filters and a 50% water change is probably worse than too much food.