Quick help with vinyl tubing


I have a chiller that I want to install tommarow and plan on plumbing it with vinyl tubing. This chiller will be plummed inline on my 125 display tank so if it has any problems il need someone to call FEMA for me. But in the hopes of preventing a natural disaster what precautions should I take setting this up? The chiller will be fed by a quietone 6000 so I was also wondering if I could

this pump directly into the chiller (ie on its side). Your help will be much appreciated thanks for the time.


Active Member
A pump should not have to draw water any appreciable distance. The pump should be sitting right next to the sump or inside it.
The best thing to do is put the pump in the sump, then run a piece of tubing to the chiller, then back to the sump.


Well the poblem is this is drawing water directly from my dt however the pump will be about 3' below the tank so I didnt think their would be much restriction on the pump intake. Also the water will be coming out near the bottom of the tank so there should be plenty of pressure but please correct me if i am wrong.