quick lighting question

Could anyone tell me how many watts of lighting you should have per gallon? or is it not measured that way? also I have pc's so if anyone could let me know I would appreciate it thanks.


yeah, you really cant go off of watts per gallon. it doesnt really work that way, it is par that is important. it really depends on what you want to keep and how deep your tank is. pcs will work just fine as long as your tank is relatively shallow and you only intend on having softies.


As far as I know the most common recommended is 3 wpg, BUT if you intention is to have Hard corals or plants (& I repeat... As far as I know...) you'll need up to 5 wpg.
All depends on what you have (or want to have)...


3 watts a gallon from a pc bulb is much much different than 3 watts a gallon from a MH bulb. like i said depending on the depth of tank and what you wanna keep will give you an idea of what kind of lighting you will need. a shallow tank with softies you will be fine with power compacts. a deeper tank with mixed corals of soft and hard will need more intense light.


Originally Posted by ScubaNoah
3 watts a gallon from a pc bulb is much much different than 3 watts a gallon from a MH bulb. like i said depending on the depth of tank and what you wanna keep will give you an idea of what kind of lighting you will need. a shallow tank with softies you will be fine with power compacts. a deeper tank with mixed corals of soft and hard will need more intense light.
So, what kind of lightning would you recomend for a 72g bowfront???
Currentlly is a fish only tank, BUT, I want to introduce Clams & poss. mixed corals.
I currentlly have almost 300w, all PC's.


well if your going to have a clam and some stonies i would say go with a metal halide fixture. i dont know your setup so i cant really recommend what brand or type. if you have an open top you can always go with a hanging pendant. if you have a canopy you could do a retrofit unit. how deep is your tank?


Active Member
sadly the WPG rule is really obsolete and a few reason that is are
1. WPG doesnt take into account how deep your tank is
2. WPG doesnt take into account that type of corals you want to keep.
2. Regardless of what type of light you have watts isn't a 1:1 ratio example a 1000w metal halide does not produce 4x the amount of light "par" as a 250w.


Active Member
For a 72bow either two 175w halides or six 54w T5ho individually reflected would allow you to keep whatever you wanted.


I have a 72 bowfront and had the same questions as you. I went through 3 lighting upgrades. The problem I had is I wanted to be able to keep anything in my tank and not have to move everything higher. The second problem I had was a 72 BF is only 12" from front to back. Most setup's are 15" w/MH's and acticnics. I didn't want to hang my lights so after a lot of looking and asking I finally ended up with the Sunpod 2x250 MH with 9 white and 9 blue lunar lights. It is made by current and the lighting is amazing. The best part, it is only 81/4" from front to back and really looks clean on it's legs. The best advise IMHO is to make your next lighting upgrade your last. I ended up spending twice the money, instead of getting good lighting to begin with. Good luck


The dimentions of the 72g bowfront are; (aprox in inches) 22 tall by 48 long by 12 in the ends & 18 in the center.
I currentlly have a canopy, so, I had to install the 36 inches, because the inside of the canopy is 47 (so the 48's did NOT fit).
I almost decide to get rid of the canopy, so I could fit the 48's, but my wife tell me NOT to.
Should I get rid of the canopy?
Should I change my 2 PC's set of almost 300w for a MH?
Any suggestions...???


Active Member
You could use dual 250w halides, but you could probably get away with dual 175w halides, but at that point a decent T5 setup with good bulbs will give you equal if not better PAR at a lower cost.


On my canopy, it is only 7" deep. The 72 bowfront is a very attractive tank with the canopy, but any lighting setup would be very hard to retro fit. I ended up ditching the canopy and going to the Sunpod 2x250's. It's 81/2" and sits about 41/2" above the tank and looks very clean. My canopy also has access only from the top with a flip up lid. So it would be a huge pain to work on the tank. So whatever blows your dress up, it would be very hard to get upgraded lighting into that canopy.


Active Member
Halides aint gonna work in a sock canopy unless you get a chiller.
a 4x36" Ice Cap VHO T5 retrofit kit will work, In fact you might be able to get 6 in there. You need about 2 1/2 inches per lamp. The 36" length is fine for a bowfront because you arent going to be putting much at the edges and they will still have plenty of light for lower light critters.
If you decide you want clams on the sandbed you could even get a 2x24" retro and mount the lamps end to end at the front in a slight V pattern to cover the bow and make the length work. It would also allow you to use the pair for Dust/Dawn lghting (the one ice cap ballast runs the other 4 lamps.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Halides aint gonna work in a sock canopy unless you get a chiller.
Dont worry I already have a 1/3 Hp chiller, that I think is "enough" for a 72g.
But the idea to get dual 24's is very good...!!!
