Quick pics on new camera...


My wife broke our previous camera which was a POS anyway so we got a new one. Snapped some shots last night of the tank, but still trying to figure out the best settings.

I know the tang police are going to be all over me, but I did rescue a yellow tang from the fish store. He was really messed up and was missing most of his fins. They had a sign on him that said "free to good home" so I have been getting him back healthy over the last month and a half. Eventually will find another good home for him or I can upgrade.

As you can see, I am still battling patches of green hair algae. Tang has been snacking on it and I have a couple emeralds on it too. Doesnt really bother me like red algae or diatoms though. It looks bad to me, but the average person just thinks it is part of the tank...

Maroon Clown hates pictures...he was getting angry everytime I had the camera too close...


Thank you! I can't wait for the hair algae to be completely gone, but I know it might take a little time...


whats the schnazy looking red thing front and center in the tank?