Quick (probably dumb) question about ordering LR


I've been having some small ammonia problems lately (.25 or less) and I haven't found the source. I'm assuming it was a damsel that went missing. I was unable to find a body, so I figured the cleaners got to it first. However, I have been unable to get the ammonia down to 0 since, and its driving me nuts. Nitrites are staying at a nice 0, and nitrates are a little above 20 (a battle I've been dealing with since I set up the tank in july).
I'm thinking about ordering another 25lbs of LR to help combat the current problem and prevent future problems. I'm too light on LR right now, I have about 20lbs in my 29g (although total water volume is about 50g with sump/fuge).
I want to order off SWF.com because they have an awesome price and I've heard they had an awesome quality. It says it's precured, but should I still cure it when it arrives? Also, would 25lbs be sufficient, or should I consider total water volume instead of DT volume?


Active Member
If your biofiltering bacteria cant keep up with your bioload then adding more surface area for more bacetria to grow is needed, or reduce the bioload by reduceing stock....
Adding more LR is always agood thing and not saying dont. But if it just spicked because of a dead fish, then ammonia needs time to cycle thru and may just need more time. Best to do water changes now to lessen the stress on the stock now...