Quick Queshtion.


My cousin has just began to set up his new reef tank and he called me up saying he had put in 2 bags of live sand and one bag of not live sand. After he dumped the three packages into the water he read that the non live sand had to be rinsed before it was put into the tank. Anyways the tank has be cloudy for about 7 hours now. Is this due to the not rinsing of the sand? Will it go away withought haveing to take all of the 100 gallons of water out and rinsing the sand?


New Member
I would suggest to always rinse the sand. Since you didn't, if it doesn't clear totally up after 7-8 hours. I would do about 15-20% watre change everyday until its clear.


He told me he did do that but he says it is still cloudy. He might have rekicked it up or something. Our LFS said it would probibly clear in 24 hours or so. Does this sound right??? Is this the main pourpous of rinsing that kind of sand?
More input would be nice.


Active Member
I would just leave it alone, when the tank starts to cycle and the bacteria colonizes on the sand it will bring all those particles down to the sandbed, for a while he will have a sandstorm everytime he moves stuff around, but eventually it will be fine. Even if you rinse fine sand it will still cause cloudiness for a while.
You can also put some polyfilter pads in the filter and continually change it until the particles are all clear.


i did that once.... only once.. lol and it took about 10 days to totally clear up, but i panicked and did water changes--10-20 percent every other day... i may have just made it last longer i think.. i would say just give it a week and be patient


A carbon filter would help clear it faster I have an emperor 400 and when I stirred up my sand bed moving some stuff I turned that filter on and it clears up alot faster. I would say without it the tank should begin to clear in 2-3 days. Carrie