quick question about lights


:) Hi, just have a quick question. I have a 110 gal SWFWLR, reef and an ecosystem..I have 4 T4 lights, two being actinic, I was wondering if anyone can tell me if these are ok? and I have two anemones with a baby clown just introduced and loving it...my LFS said that I am fine with what I have for now...but I am going to purchase 4 more of the T4's. the tank is doing great and I have more than what I told you, I just wanted to give a little information about what I am doing...so...are the lights I have, and the additional lights I am getting sufficient? Thanks for any help...sorry, the lights are T5's...thanks


T5's are good lights. More compact and brighter light, but I'm not sure if 4 is enough. 8 should be better for the anemone, but most prefer they be kept under MH, espically in a bigger tank.


thank you, however my hood for my tank I think will only handle 4 more lights, two on each side...its pretty bright now, with just the four...what do ya think?


IMO, 8 T5's should be enough. When it comes to anemones, lighting isn't the only factor. You must take into consideration feeding, water conditions, etc...
BUT, your lighting will be fine.


:) thanks a million...so far everyone seems to be very happy...I will have to keep saving to get up to eight lights though...lol