quick question about marine velvet

i love fish

since hypo cures only ich, and not velvet, how to u treat a fish with velvet if it is sensitive 2 copper?
I know 4 a fact that my emperor angel is sensitive 2 copper and i keep dredding that 1 day she may develop velvet, so if she does, what are my treatment options?
thank you


Active Member
copper is the only know effective cure for marine velvet if treated in time..be advised that velvet is highly contagious.. with a very high mortality rate.


I agree, copper is the only way to treat velvet. QT all new purchases, including rock and inverts. Velvet, like ich, has to be introduced into the tank.


Active Member
You need to monitor the copper very closely with Angels. Yes they are sensitive to it, and yes they will more than likely get HLLE, but you can cure HLLE and it is minor. Velvet is deadly and WILL kill your fish without copper.


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
IME velvet is typically a death sentence regardless of treatment attempts.
yup, pretty much because when you finally figure out that it's velvet, it is too late. I've lost 15 to 20 fish from velvet in the past year and only two fish survived from the initial outbreak. However, I highly recommend using cupramine for velvet, that's how I finally got rid of mine. You don't realize how bad velvet is until you've experienced it yourself, it's like the plague!


I agree, velvet is bad news. It concentrates in the gills. By the time that you notice the powdery coating, it is often too late.