quick question about tangs and fish suggestion thread


Here he is. Please ignore my lovely aiptasia in the bottom left corner, I can't reach it :-(
Hope you can see the white spots I'm referring to.


ohh yess i see the spots, yes those are the ones I was talking about. Is PE mysis the same as frozen mysis shrimp?


Originally Posted by wayner http:///forum/thread/384921/quick-question-about-tangs-and-fish-suggestion-thread/20#post_3374774
ohh yess i see the spots, yes those are the ones I was talking about. Is PE mysis the same as frozen mysis shrimp?
No, it's a specific brand. It's made by Piscine Energetics. They're now selling them bottled through the company Reef Nutrition as well. Most LFS's carry PE Mysis and if you ask for it just that way, they'll know exactly what you're talking about. They're bigger than regular mysis shrimp, and honestly, they're worth the money. My fish definitely all started eating better and look healthier since I started using it a few years ago.


Active Member
IMO, this fish is dangerously thin along with the color loss. I'd do everything possible to fatten him up. Did you see him eat at the store? Is this the same fish that was covered in white spots? If so, they will probably return. If he gets his health; a varied diet with plenty of greens , vitamins, and a healthy tank will bring out his color. I hope I'm wrong; but, IMO, there is a lot more than just "stress" (the most over-used word in our hobby, IMO) bothering this fish. Edit: i didn't see page two, I thought the white spots were parasites, BTLDreef's pic clears that up.