quick question


I am into two weeks into my cycle with some uncured LR. No I know since there was die off that it would show high ammonia almost immediatly........but that that is in the only high level in the tank. I would have thought with the uncured LR that my trates and trites woould rise preyy fast too. Should I be concerned or am I overthinking?


Active Member
I would not worry about it. Keep checking ammonia and nitrites every few days and you are fine. Give the cycle some time. Usuallly a normal saltwater aquarium will cycle in 4-6 weeks. How much live rock did you add to what sized tank?


Oh yeah sorry. Its a 75 gallon FOWLR.........60 lbs of LR. I know a little under the proper ratio, but there is a wedding in my near future to save for!!


Active Member
Yeah I know how that could be. Well that should have been plenty to properly spike and cycle your tank. Just give it some time.