quick Question


I am breaking down a 29gal and moving rock into my 55gal reef, the 29 is going to a friend and am movng the 55 to another location in the house(have to for multiple reasons) my question is there are some inhabitents in the 29 that are not reef safe and I am unable to take to LFS anytime soon (weather) and friend that is taking 29 may want, will these guys be OK in my sump/fuge in the fuge area, (CC Star,damsel,purple lobster) I know the lobster is reef safe but I already have on in the reef and dont want to chance a fight.
During this escapade all rock and water will be in rubermaid totes, what is best to do with corals during this transition and how long should I wait to reinterduce them, thanks


Active Member
Sump is fine for the questionable reef safe critters.
During a tank move I had stuff in tubs for a couple weeks but the shorter the time the better. Heaters for each tub and a power head in each. Corals should be put back under lights/in tank as soon as you possibly can. Even in the tropics weather can limit light for a time so the corals will be 'ok' in a tub with a heater and water flow for awhile. Try not to let the move extend for over a week if you can.
Good luck.