Quick question


New Member
Hello all. I've been a longtime viewer of this forum, though this is my first post. I currently have a 10g, 40w pc 50/50, 250 magnum (ugh), koralia nano, aquaclear 10... 22-24lbs of live rock... 2-3" sand bed
1 false perc
1 neon goby
1 skunk shrimp
1 brittle star
9 hermits... they vary in type
8 astrea snails
several pods, snail hitchhikers...
2 green fl rics
a few clusters of 2 kinds of zoos
(corals are fairly new for me)
tank is well established (over 2yrs old)
Sorry I'm taking so long getting to the question...
I'm looking to upgrade to the cadlights 22g in a month or so...
In regards to the transitioning from the 10 to the 22... If I put in new substrate and use my established LR, how detrimental will it be to my cleanup crew? I know they'll get a good amount of food from the LR.. But, I won't have a lot of time to keep one tank up after the other is setup. My wife hasn't come over to the darkside yet. Thank you in advance!