Quick Replies Needed.


ok this is a very basic question so I wont go into great detail. I have 45 lbs of Live Rock shipping to my house. My question is cure the rock in a 20 gallon long or a plastic tub that is slightly larger? If I can pack it all together in the 20 gallon that would work best because I could easily hang the filter and heater from the top. But does live rock need some space during curing?


Active Member
i don't think the rock cares how much space it has just as long as there is enough water current on the rock. So if you pack it to tight allot of the rock will not be exposed to the water current.


Active Member
Actually the more spread out the better. Piling it on top of each other will considerably slow down the decay in the dead spots (low current, contact space of rocks, etc.)


I just bought some for a wholeseller and he told me to use a air pump and stone. Some how it speeds up the process and you have less die off. I did it and the water never got the rotten egg smell. It is ready to go in the tank after 1 1/2 weeks.