quick Shark queshtion



Hello everyone,
I currently have a very successfull 55 gallon reef tank and I really want to get a shark. The problem is I do not want some HUGE swimming poll in my house. Maby a 175 or 200. Is there any small shark that will be able to live in this kinds of tank and not outgrow it? What is the smallest type of shark???
Thanx :confused:


Someone please help. What shark can be kept in the smallest tank??? I heard this shark is the smallest and the lazyest Brownbanded Bamboo Shark... Is this true???


All of the bamboo sharks will reach near three to four feet in captivity. The cat sharks stay a little smaller at around two to three feet. The smallest tank that should be used for the catsharks is atleast 220. With a 180 you could keep a cat shark but there really shouldn't be anything else with him. You will also need to get the largest biological filter and protein skimmer that will fit the tank. Sharks require a lot of food to do well and that translates into a lot of wastes into the water. They need the best water quality possible and plenty of room to move about. My best advice would be to either buy or read Scott Michael's book Sharks and Rays. It should give you a good basic understanding of what is required to house sharks.


Active Member

Originally posted by lilstrup
i wouldn't put a shark in anything less than a 240

good rule for the average aquariast:yes: