Just continuing the disscusion -
If you know anything about molecular biology, you will realize that the prospects for this device working are too slim to warrant the cost. UV radiation, in theory, should disrupt the ability of a cell to divide by altering genetic sequences. For the sterilizer to work correctly, the water would need to be slow to stagnant under the radiation for it to have a positive effect on any parasites, grater bulbs perhaps having greater ability, and this just isn't the case. The transient time of water rushing by is too small to be effective. This is why it has to be set up correctly. Also to me this is one more possablilty of glass breaking in the UV, whether it be the bulb itelf, which gets covered in slime and reduces effectiveness, or the sleeve which also gets dirty and reduces its ability to work. I just don't think they are worth the money and they tend to kill the good stuff first.
I will give it the ability to clean the bad algea out of the water, sometimes that is enough of a heaven send to make people love them.
Just a few thoughts