quickcrete user's hows is it going


can you tell me how long you been using..any problems, did you rinse before using..cloudyness..how long did it take to settle..how is your water readings..ect..thanx


Well I have been using it in an experimental 10 gallon tank for about a month now. No problems at all. It did cloud the water as any sand will for the first day or so but my filters took care of it. Other than that I have been VERY happy with it. Since its quartz sand it is just about 100% inert in water so it doesn't effect any paramaters. Like I said I am very happy with it and at 2.50 a bag it will be part of my new 55 setup that I will be setting up right after Christmas when Santa brings the rest of the stuff I need ;) :D :) :cool:


Its snow white. I did rinse it off first in a bucket but thats all I did. It says on the bags its prewashed and I believe it as it was very clean.
I bought some of the white variety and I notice it contains silica sand and limestone.
I havent put it in my tank yet I was still trying to research it. A few people told me limestone wasnt good for a salt water aquirium. But then I talked to another guy and he said he had 40lbs of the stuff as base rock in his reef tank and he had experienced no problems