Quietest protein skimmer


What is considered to be the quietest protein skimmer. I am specifically looking for a make, ie. Euroreef.
I would also like to know, which types of skimmers are the quietest, ie. Venturi, recirculating, etc.
Bottom line. I am looking for a skimmer for my 55 gallon reef and want to find the quietest skimmer possible.


Not a CPR Bak-Pak
haha, this is one skimmer that seems to be notorious for high noise levels. I would pass on any of the backpacks anyways.


Ok, what makes a quiet skimmer?
Is it the injection method, venturi, downdraft, spray induction system?
Do you just have to get a quiet pump and make sure it is not vibrating?


Might be a little out of my price range. Probably should have specified that earlier.
Looking for something in the $150-$250 range. An out of sump model is preferable for me right now...but I want the option to be able to put in the sump sometime down the road when I get a bigger sump and have room.
Thanks for all the suggestions so far!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
Is it a certain model of protein skimmer that makes it quiet or is usually just getting a quite pump?
Well its kinda hasrd to find a GOOD and quiet skimmer. cause the bubbles are what make the noise and you want alot of bubbles. so its kinda a mix of both


Does anyone have a Red Sea Prizm protein skimmer? Just wondering how quite it is. My neighbor has one for sale.


Active Member
Recirculating skimmers are usually the quietest.
Generally beckett and spray induction are going to be louder. Venturi skimmers will probably be one of the more reasonably priced quiet types.


Originally Posted by hillius31
Does anyone have a Red Sea Prizm protein skimmer? Just wondering how quite it is. My neighbor has one for sale.
i have one on a 55 and it's a love hate relationship. it does it's job pretty well, but it's a pain in the rump to clean cause you have to make sure you turn it down, disconnect the airhose from the collection cup, and then you have to re-prime it after you put it back on. if you have a glass top, then you'll have to rig it up somehow to get the top to fit. the collection cup is hard to get completely clean, and to top it all off, red sea's customer service rates up there with asking the devil himself to help an old lady cross the street. other than that, i love it cause it skims pretty good.
p.s. did i mention that you have to keep an eye on it cause the collection cup will fill up for no reason and all the gunk you had in it is now back in your tank.
if you get it i hope you like it