R Fish Sensitive 2 Noise?


Active Member
I sometimes put loud music in my room, and since my fish will be in the same room, I was wondering if they are sensitive to noise or not? Can it cause them to panic, get sick, etc....?


there is a bar in canada i go to alot that has a huge gorgeous saltwater tank and of course the music is quite loud there all the time. those fish are doing great, but they are all big aggressive fish like triggers, lionfish, and puffers.


Fish are sensitive to noise and bass. If it is obnoxiously loud and near them, there could be stress issues.


wow... guess i need to turn off the stereo in my show car like a mile away then... it rattles pictures off the wall :rolleyes:



Originally posted by JmG
wow... guess i need to turn off the stereo in my show car like a mile away then... it rattles pictures off the wall :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member

Originally posted by EUPHORIA
I sometimes put loud music in my room, and since my fish will be in the same room, I was wondering if they are sensitive to noise or not? Can it cause them to panic, get sick, etc....?

fish don't hear the way we do. The do sense presure changes along the laterial line (i think).
Most noise simply bounces off our tanks and does not penetrate. It take something like tapping the glass to get any significant pressure waves in the water. I have a very very limited swimming/scuba experience, but from what i remember once in the water there is no noise from above the water. Must be the reason they call it the silent world.
You music won't even be noticed by your fish.


:thinking: Really? That does sound about right Bob. I was only 12 ft under water doing an underwater safari once and I don't recall hearing much of anything...
Hmm... I keep trying to convince my husband that we need a 125 in our bonus room but he's afraid that the bass from the Home Theater system would be too much. It shakes the house!
So what about vibrations? Would the fish be bothered by that?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by leenie
:thinking: Really? That does sound about right Bob. I was only 12 ft under water doing an underwater safari once and I don't recall hearing much of anything...
Hmm... I keep trying to convince my husband that we need a 125 in our bonus room but he's afraid that the bass from the Home Theater system would be too much. It shakes the house!
So what about vibrations? Would the fish be bothered by that?

Yea the will feel vibrations but those should be small in the actual water and the fish can adjust quickly. Hopefully the will survive. Just don't play "all shook up".
:eek: :D


I don't know guys, I have my tank setup in the family room, my husband has a surround setup to a 61" TV and my Fish seam to have adjusted to it, the only problem is when the kids jump to close to the tank the fish will scatter. But so far so good....