R.I.P. Coral Beauty


Active Member
how did u acclimate him? was he eating at the LFS? is your tank new?
sorry you lost such a beautiful fish


We put the bag he was in the water then let a little tank water in and keep doing it until he swam out, my mom bought him for me with money i gave her


Was your tank established already? sorry for your lose. The thing about Coral Beauty fish is they aren't super expensive and a lot of stores carry them so once you figure out what happend and correct it and you really like the CB then you can replace it.


Active Member
im pretty sure your problem was acclimation, look at this sites acclimation process

these fish are not for beginners, they're quite delicate fish especailly the CB


That was nice of her but i don't know if that was such a good idea to put those in right now. Did she acclimate them? or just dump them in the tank?


Well good luck those are good fish to have if all goes well. Maybe the CB was already sick to start off with then that could be your problem. If it wasn't then i don't think it's such a good idea to add two fish when one just died.


It's good that he's grazing but i don't know if they're able to get algae off the wall or not. Do you have algae based foods for him already? you can try things like seaweed clips things like that, that he can graze on when your away. I'm not exactly sure seaweed clips but something along that line.


New Member
How Many Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?? Do You Have Live Rock???? What Are You Feeding Him??? I Deal With A Local Fish Guy Who Is Great

i Had 6-8 Fish Die Before I Started Going To Him......when I Buy Fish I Empty Them Into A Bucket And Add 1 -2 Cups Of Tank Water About 5 Times, Then I Net Him Out Carefully And Put Him In The Tank. Keep Your Lights Off In The Tank And The Room Your Tank Is In For 3-4 Hours If Not Longer.......


Active Member
Very cool of your mom to have done for you. However, I agree that you really need to invest in a quarantine tank and keep all new fish in it for at least 4 weeks before you put them into your main display tank. It’s actually a small investment that will pay off big!