R.I.P. Coral Beauty


I woke up this morning and found my coral beauty dead
. It was floating up in the corner of my tank. It was doing fine the day before. I had it for about eight months. No problems ever. My other fish are doing fine. Of all of my fish I thought for sure my coral beauty would be the one to live the longest. I was pretty dissapointed.
I've never ran copper through my system. I heard copper affects them a lot. I've also heard that they don't tend to live very long, but at the same time I've heard of people having them for years without problems. It was very well fed. I gave it a mixture of algae, pellets, and brine shrimp. I doubt it was due to water parameters because I'm like a hawk when it comes to upkeeping my tank.
Anyone else with coral beauty dying unexpectly? :help:


Active Member
Sorry for your loss.
Some times it happens, a fish will die for know apparent reason when everything is good and right in the tank. Could be a problem it had befor you got it and just took that long for it to take its toll. IME CBAs live a least four years in an aquariums. Thats how long I have had mine so far. I dont say that to brag but to help you to deside to try another one if you want to later.