R.I.P GSM...The first fish i bought....


My GSM is missing or i must assume eaten. I have been having to feed my Whitemouth everyday for over a month and yesterday i thought maybe i just won't feed him today and try to get him to eat a bigger meal tommorow. Well now i don't have a GSM anymore. I am sad this is the first fish i bought ever.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your loss, but you probably should have anticipated a 30" agg eel and a clown would be food sooner or later. Esp since AW2 told you the eel had already attacked a trigger and a hawkfish.
But this is not about bashing, I know how lovable GSM's are so sorry for your loss.


i realized the danger and told AW that i know and fully understood the danger. it is just sad there is a smaller fish in the tank (a damsel) that i took in from a friend a few months ago i just guess i wish it could have benn that fish the eel ate. No offesene to damsel but it was just not my first fish. there are still the heni butterfly's in there also that are small.same deal not that i don't care about them either but they weren't my first fish. The clown was 3 in at least. but i am not mad
just sad.


i have been in this hobby for a couple years and i have not lost many fish. but in my first month i overstocked the 29 gallon i had and had a mass death of 5 fish the only one to survive was the clown. Now i have learned from that huge mistake. Blue hippo, yellow tang, scooter blenny, GSM, foxface, and mandrin do not belong in a month old 29 gallon. And i found this website that has been a huge help. But yeah i lost my clown.