R.i.p Sfe


Wow, what a crappy day i had. My eel didn't jump out of the eggcrated top no, he swims into the overflow, through all the plumbing, into the sump, and squeezes his way between the glass and the acrylic glass and jumps behind my sump. I come home from school, move the rocks, and eventually after an 1h I find him behidn the sump almost all dried up. I put him in the water just incase, but he never comes to. Wow, I take the precaution and cover up the top to no avail...he still jumps ship. After that I'm really contemplating rather I should turn my tank into a reef now taht the only thing in my tank is a dwarf zebra lion.


Originally Posted by Yimmy
Really sorry to hear, stick FO though cuz thats the way to go.
why do u say this is the way to go? Though FO is cheaper, reef looks better, and with the large amount of LR, doesn't it keep the tank more stable?


Originally Posted by surfinusa
reef tanks are so stupid i will alwas go with fowlr
Could u plz explain the logic? I want to know why ppl feel this way about reef tanks (I'm not defending them, im just curious to know why u don't like them, so I don't make a bad mistake).


I probably will stick with an aggressive tank, I've just had a really bad day and the eel dying didn't help. I'm thinking of maybe getting a zebra eel because I like them a lot (pretty peaceful and only each crustaceans). Or some other eel (no small eels, they get into too much trouble and too many places.)
I'm going to wait for probably a few months too add anything to this tank, I'm going to spend my money on building up LR and a clean up crew that will survive an eel, then begin all over again and see how it turns out. My Zebra lion will be lonely for a while.


Active Member
I'm not saying ones better, I'm saying don't give up on your aggresive tank becasue your eel died, keep going.


Originally Posted by Yimmy
I'm not saying ones better, I'm saying don't give up on your aggresive tank becasue your eel died, keep going.
Lol, it wasn't really agressive yet, if u call my lazy dwarf lion aggressive
, but he is awsome looking.
I don't know what I'm going to do, when I have built up the tank I will decide.


Originally Posted by grapefruit
well i dont think you got my last message once again sorry for your loss and i love the avatar
i think it is spelled avatar,lol


Active Member
If you like or want a reef then do one. Dont worry about what other people think. You can have some very nice looking active fish in reefs too. Of course you will need to research for the right ones though as well as proper filtration for a reef.
Sorry about the eel.


i have both....90 reef upstairs and a 180 fowlr downstairs. i love them both.the 180 only has about 30 lbs of rock in it,whereas the 90 has about 150 lbs. i had to go with both tanks since i really love corals and large aggresive fish. and i didn't think this 11 inch stars and stripes puffer would like going into the 90 very well. oh and very sorry for your loss, i too had one went over the wall into the overflow,through the plumbing,past the filter pad in the sump,past the bio balls,over 2 partitions in the sump,into the pump intake,and that is where the journey ended i am afraid !