R.O./D.I. Gone bad?


I can't figure out what is going on with my kent 60 gal per day Hi-S R.O. It ahs drastically stopped water production. It used to take 8 hours to get 15 gallons(basically woking at 75% of what it should put out) Now it's taking over 24 hours, I'm wasting a lot of water! The membrane wa changed 5 months ago, I just changed the last cartridge (high silicate deionization resin chamber?) Other than that I don't know what else to do. HELP!!!!


I thought about that two but nothing has changed anywhere else in the house. The set up was fine 1 day then the next day I woke up expecting to have a full tub of 15 gallons but it wasn't even 5. It's driving me nuts because I'm gonna need 60 gallons of water early next week for a weekly water change.


Active Member
Do you think one of those DI resin granulars got up in the outlet opening when you did that last change?


Don't think so, i changed the resin cartridge after the slow production. I'm gonna take a look at the line coming out maybe something is stuck in it.