R/O units


don't know if I'll get flamed but I bought a 125gpd one on ---- for $130 with shipping. I also have a ppm meter and it takes my water down from about 450ppm to about 6 to 9 ppm.


Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I have an airwaterice Typhoon III, and it is great. Consistent 0 ppm at 65 gpd.
I have the airwaterice Typhoon III Extreme. (just a couple more gadgets) and I highly recommend either. I know of several people who have these and swear by them.

sign guy

Active Member
I think typhoon, coralife and kent are all good brands but its about what brand you can find the cheapest

sign guy

Active Member
no most of the time anything over 100gpd and you will start to loose quality. unless you do what I did and got two tfc membranes a 75 tfc and a 35. pluss you wont need it

mx mr bean

Originally Posted by drew2005
I have a Kent Maxxima 60gpd and tds has always been at 0.
hey i have the same unit and so far its great.


Sorry, looks like I posted the same question.
I am all confused again myself. I was all set to go with the SpecraPure RO/DI Maxcap 90 GPH but now I'm all up in the air again. I don't need that expensive or that high GPH but everyone on other sites swared up and down on the SpecraPure being hands down the best and that Maxcap or whatever being the best on there for the RO/DI but I don't give one flying leap if all are about the same right? I read that DI units cost WAY more in maintenance replacements but that Maxcap is the first of it's kind in low maintenance and lasts 3x longer in replacement which I would more than be willing to pay in upfront cost if longterm was lower and better water, but what do you all think?
Sorry to but into your thread- but maybe we'll both get our answers here and learn a little-


You said you just want a RO for water changes? Do you have a RO unit currently for top off?