R/O water

chris l

About 2 weeks ago I started buying my R/O water only to find when I tested the R/O water the nitrates to be 2.5 and the ammonia in the water to be around .25. Is this uncommon and should I just break down and buy my own R/O D/I unit. I don't mind spending the money if it is going to help the cause. I coudn't figure out why my perameters were high in my tank but this might be it. What do you think. Perameters are: nitrates 20, ammonia .5, nitrites 0, ph 8.2. Only have 1 fish that eats twice a week. A couple soft corals and a couple of hard corals and mushrooms.


i personally would not use that water anymore. if you have the money i stronglly recommend one. you can get one on ---- for 119.00 or upto 150 for some others to even more depending on what you want to spend. i got mine from water filters r us do a search on that name and it should bring up contact info. i got mine for 119 and am very happy so are my fish!


Active Member
The difference is in RO ver RO/DI. RO does tend to have some nitrates and phosphates in it among other things depending on the consintrations found in the source water. RO/DI is much cleaner. If properly maintained the cleanist water you can make. A RO/DI would be a good investment.


I agree completely. I bought my RO/DI about two months ago and LOVE it. No more trips to pick up water. Simply open a valve and fill your water container(s). The money spent in the beginning is pricey, but I'm glad I did it. Plus, we use it for household purposes too such as drinking water, tea, coffee, ice. Its the only way to go if your gonna stay in the hobby IMO. HTH