r/o watter


if u used tap watter (cuz lfs said it was ok ) can u put some r/o water in there to kinda change it for the best?
First off, I disagree with your lfs!

Yeah, you "CAN" use tap water, but you can also use creek water as well. That doesn't mean you should and it certainly doesn't mean it's a good idea to, because it's not a good idea.
The reason why the ocean has so much waste but yet is still filled with beautiful life is because of its large natural ecosystem mother nature provided.
When you use tap water, you will likely encounter minerals and other ingredients which are good for humans but not as helpful for marine fish and inverts/corals. The water quality you start with will determine how successful your aquarium becomes.
And yeah it will help down the road when you slowly add RO water, but it's like giving someone a blood transfusion, yeah it works, but meanwhile, you're giving a lot of stress to the fish.
Just my opinion... :thinking:


i dont have any fish yet so what do u think i should do i do not wanna take all the watter out becuse the salt is expensive


I hate to sound harsh but if you are concerned about the expense of some salt when dealing with water quality then you may want to re-think this again. You are entering a VERY expensive hobby. You really need to try and put forth concern in water quality now while you still can.
I, like many others on here, started out with tap water only to regret it VERY much later on.
Do yourself and especially your fish a favor, do it right from the beginning. Ask around and you will see how many others wish they had done the same.
For example... if you personally had the choice to live in an industrial section of the city where the air was riddled with pollutants or to live in the country air...which would you choose??
and not just my opinion..countless others as well.
Good Luck
Yeah, salt is pricey, but not as pricey as when your livestock dies. One fish or coral could cost as much as the salt you need. You are still in the early stages of this process, it's not too late to empty out and put all RO.
Trust me, you don't want to go down this path, you think it's expensive now?? It only gets worst!!:nervous: