

I post a while about getting a bunny for my kids. So far it has worked out great. He always goes in his liter box, and is very friendly.


Do you have any other pets other then the rabbit? My daughter has been asking me to buy her one but i am afraid what a dog and cat would do to it


My brother and sister in law have a rabbit (supposed to be my neice's, but you know how that goes), and they have a dog also and the rabbit tends to kick a little doggy butt. She can stand her own against him. Although he is just a cocker spaniel, I don't know what kind of dog you have, but I doubt the dog would pay it much mind.


Active Member
I am having a major uprising in my household regarding a bunny and guiena pig. What do you mean by litter box? Is she in a cage usually? What kind of bunny is that?
(besides very cute:) )


one of my friends got a rabbit for the sole purpose of eating it.
OMG My parents did that to me and my brothers when we were kids. Had us go with them to get bunnies and "neglected" to tell us that they were food not pets.
There is nothing worse then being a kid going to look for your "pets" and realizing they are all gone. And guess what was for dinner? neadless to say my brothers and I went to bed hungry that night
I think I am still tramatized over it.


I do have 2 cats in the house also. For the most part they do not even pay attention to one another.
Lovethesea - I had two guine pigs before the bunny, they were a disaster, they smelled, and were loud.
The bunny is a holland lop, he is about max size now at about 3.5 pounds. There are a couple other bunnies that are a little smaller, but not as friendly. From the information I could gather, the holland lop is one of the friendliest bunnies.
He is in a cage. In the cage we have some type of wood bedding. In the cage is also a small litter box, he goes pee 100% of the time in the litter box, we put a small amount of yesterdays news litter in the box and dump it everyday. He does go poop in the rest of the cage in the bedding, but little round hard poops don't make a mess, we empty this part about every 3-4 days, alot of the pooping is still done in the liter box. We let him run around the house, fortunatey our living room is carpeting, and surrounded by wood floors, he does not like the wood floors. When it runs around we leave the cage open, and he goes in and out to go poop and potty. He does not go on the carpet.
Over all this bunny is the best pet we have had for our kids, we have had cats, hampsters, mice, quine pigs, frogs, and fish.
My kids are 6.5, 5 and 1.5 and all play and help take care of him.
If you do get one, I would recomend trying to find a breader, as opposed to a pet store, ours was $35.
We are also going to nuder it, which is supposed to help keep them calm and not pee all over.
He has chewed through one computer cable so far, that was the worst thing so far.
Any questions let me know.
You can also email me at jason.hill@bisys.com