raccoon butterflyfish



anyone have one? how hard are they to acclimate to the aquarium? any info. much appreciated!! thank you! :)


New Member
I have a raccoon butterfly in a 135 gallon fish only tank. It is about 3 1/2" inches long and very healthy and active. I think they are a moderately hardy fish, but only if you have very good water quality. I suggest a good protein skimmer, a well-cycled tank, a UV and a a cleaner shrimp or cleaner wrasse. The biggest problem with them is getting them to eat initially. I have heard that 3 to 4 inches is the best size to buy and acclimate. Watch the fish eat before you buy it if possible. I have seem small (2") and large (6") raccoons starve at my LFS because they refused to eat, even in a reef tank. They are aggressive to other yellow butterflyfish but are peaceful to most other fish. They love to "pick" food off of live rock and eat (or try to eat) all invertibrates, especially anenomes. Mine ate my turbo snails. I feed formula one frozen and flake, angel formula, frozen squid and small krill. My raccoon also grazes on green hair algae. Good luck.