Racoon B/F not eating, reply ASAP!

This is mainly a question for the sharks(Trey, Mr. Salty, etc). I purchased a racoon b/f from a very reputable online dealer with the initials ffe. He is 3-3.5" long and pretty robust for a b/f. The problem is he won't eat, not even a nibble. I have him in a 10g qt tank with a 4" pvc pipe and a piece of live rock(that is covered in green algae). The stats are as follows, 0-.1 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate, ph 8, temp 78*, and salinity 1.025. I have qt'd a naso tang and juv emperor in this tank at these exact specs before and they did fine and are healthy free swimin hogs now. But the darn b/f hasn't ate anything I have given him(formula 2, pygmy angel formula, live black worms, and frozen squid). He is also very shy and skidish and seems uncomfortable in the tank. He has nibbled once or twice on the rock, but not much. I thought the live black worms would definitely do the trick(Trey), but not even the slightest interest. I have read that a Condylactis anemone is also supposed to be iresistable to b/f. I thought I would ask people in the know(especially Trey) what I should try or do. I have already emailed Mr. Bob Fenner himself and he said that the best thing might be to go ahead and skip the qt period, give him a ph adjusted freshwater dip, and then move him to the main tank. And I thought of that before but after the small problem I had with my emperor, I scraped that idea. But it kind of makes sense to me know. The racoon seems out of sorts and not right, like he needs to go home or something, and putting him in a 125g tank with perfect water, over 100lbs of lr, and some mates to boot, would be just the thing. But I thought I would run it through you guys first. I don't want to wait though until all the answers come in because I have to do something soon, it has been 4 days and he hasn't ate a thing, so time is of the essence. Thank you all for your time and advice, Jollygreen

mr . salty

Active Member
Butterflys are VERY picky eaters.Mine only eats frozen brine.(ONLY)He wont touch anything else put in the tank.But he will clean your live rock of everything that is growing on it.I MEAN EVERYTHING.Feather dusters,aptaisia,any small alge,ANYTHING. You may wany to consider this before you add it to the main tank....