Racoon Butterfly


I have aptasia in my 55 gal. I was told to put in a Racoon. My question is, Is it compatible with my tank.
5 assort. Damsels, 3 perculas, 1 cin. clown,I sailfin tang, 1 manderine goby, 1 scooter blennie, 1 jaw fish, 1 cleaner wrasse, 6 peppermint shrimp, 1 hawian feather duster, 1 choc. chip star, 1 hasian enenamone,purple anenamon ??,2 non stinging anenamones ??, 70# LR.
Magnum 350 filter, hawian ultriviolet sterilizer, tornado protein skimmer.

mr . salty

Active Member
He will love your feather duster.And may even pick your anemones to death.Plus anything growing on your rock will quickly disappear.Trust me,I had one and when my carpet anemone eventually GOT HIM I was not sad at all.If you value the stuff growing on your rock at all,,,You should NOT put this fish into your tank...