Radiant Wrasse and Rusty Angel, OK?


Hey all,quick question, my tank currently has:
1 midas blenny
1 royal gramma
its a 45G FOWLR,id like to get a radiant wrasse,do you think my tank is too small,i have heard they dont get very large but of course i could be wrong :) Id also like a rusty angel,and that would be all for the fish in the tank.Are those 4 fish too much for my trank? Id love any opinions,or experiences with radiants or rustys,i hear radiant wrasses are very peaceful,and im hoping the rusty wont chase anyone around *i would add the rusty last*!-<3 Devon


Active Member
i dont know about the first fish, i ASSUME it would be okay but Im not sure.
I like rusty angels, ive had one and i think they are awesome. It should beokay will your other fish if you add it last. If you get corals it MIGHT take a nip here and there at them.


Originally Posted by mopar9012
i dont know about the first fish, i ASSUME it would be okay but Im not sure.
I like rusty angels, ive had one and i think they are awesome. It should beokay will your other fish if you add it last. If you get corals it MIGHT take a nip here and there at them.
Yeah i cant seem to find too many people with radiant wrasses,i guess they are a rarer fish,but thier so pretty (and docile i hear so im hoping he and my royal gramma will get along) I love the look of rustys though, and glad to hear your experiance with one is good :) Lucky for me,i dont intend on ever getting corals really,im just gonna keep my tank FOWLR,i love watching the fish! hehe-<3 Devon

a sea k

I have a Radiant in my 210, Awesome fish, doesnt bother anyone else in the tank (2 dwarf angels w/ him). They grow to around 5" and I think your 45 may be a tad too small, but thats only my opinion.


Originally Posted by A sea K
I have a Radiant in my 210, Awesome fish, doesnt bother anyone else in the tank (2 dwarf angels w/ him). They grow to around 5" and I think your 45 may be a tad too small, but thats only my opinion.
Alright, your most likely right :( i think something i read about him before said 50 GL was his minimum...so i better not get him! gah,curse me for getting a 45!!! Any ideas of what might go w/ a Gramma,Midas and Rusty?

a sea k

Thats gonna be a tough one to answer. The 45gal limits you to smaller fish and the Gramma rules out a LOT of choices, there are still plenty of options but a lot depends on where you want to go with your system. Start searching info on some fish you would like and see if they might work for you.
Good luck.


Originally Posted by A sea K
Thats gonna be a tough one to answer. The 45gal limits you to smaller fish and the Gramma rules out a LOT of choices, there are still plenty of options but a lot depends on where you want to go with your system. Start searching info on some fish you would like and see if they might work for you.
Good luck.
OK,new idea! lol ive always really liked zebra (bar) gobies...but im wondering if the midas would bother them,because of the somewhat similar body shape...im not sure..:( I know zebra gobies like to stay more towards the bottom which is good, as the midas and grammas main rock is upwards in the tank,so how does this sound:
1 midas blenny
1 royal gramma
2 zebra gobies ( they are less timid w/more then one)
1 rusty angel
i hope im not overstocking :( eh...now i need to ask around to see if anyone has experience w/ zebras and midas' together!

a sea k

I dont know the Zebra gobies size/requirements but your probably not going to be able to them if they grow to any size. Even though you dont have many fish they pretty much fill up your 45. The Midas goes to 5", the Rusty to 4", and the gramma goes to 3". Maybe 1 more small fish and your probably pushing it. They would be fine normally but it wouldnt take much for things to go bad in a hurry.

a sea k

Just reread your original post. Did not realize you dont have the Rusty yet, you could possibly chose the Zebra's over the Rusty if your research on the Zebra's checks out OK.