Radiata lionfish cohab in a 90-gal?


New Member
Hi guys, I posted this over at {edit} too. My setup is a 48" x 18" x 25", 90-gal glass, with 40-gal fuge (where the skimmer/heater[strike] will go).
I was wondering, do you think I can keep three radiata in a 90-gal? {edit link - out of respect to the owner and operator of this site, please do not post links to other boards or stores, thanks} say the minimum requirement for a radiata is 30 gallons. A marine biology book on species I read said that radiata do very well in small groups in larger tanks, and it also said a 30 gal was the minimum. So I figure 90 gallons, get three so the aggression is spread evenly, have many many many places to hide and I should be okay right?
One person responded by saying that if I did three things they would get along fine
1. Acclimate all 3 at the same time
2. Have plenty of hiding spots (I'll probably order 140 lbs of fiji foundation live rock off of {EDIT} and toss some pieces/rubble, like 15-20 lbs, in the fuge).
3. Keep them well fed
I can easily do all 3 of these steps, but I wanted to get some other opinions as to how successful I would be in attempting this cohab. Many people keep multiple lionfish in a tank so I'm not too worried, but I want to make sure. Of course, I can always separate them if they do end up being too aggressive.


Ive kept multiple lions together, but not radiatas. All were acclimated at the same time. The only problem is sometimes one becomes dominant and takes all the food before a more shy specimen gets to it. I would train each lion in a separte, mabe 10-20g quarentine tank and then when all are eating frozen food aggressively add them to the main tank at once.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
Ive kept multiple lions together, but not radiatas. All were acclimated at the same time. The only problem is sometimes one becomes dominant and takes all the food before a more shy specimen gets to it. I would train each lion in a separte, mabe 10-20g quarentine tank and then when all are eating frozen food aggressively add them to the main tank at once.


Originally Posted by Jon321
Ive kept multiple lions together, but not radiatas. All were acclimated at the same time. The only problem is sometimes one becomes dominant and takes all the food before a more shy specimen gets to it. I would train each lion in a separte, mabe 10-20g quarentine tank and then when all are eating frozen food aggressively add them to the main tank at once.
well put jon, good idea too. i would try to get 1 male and 2 females just to be safe, im sure the males would fight over a mate but im in no way a lion expert. thats just a thought.


How do you --- radiata lions? I have no idea, and finding 3 radiatas of similar size will probably be hard enough, let alone trying to get 1 male and 2 females.