


I know I post really stupid questions just trying to cut corners.
But I'm super new to this and am really just curious...
Anyway, my question is; would it be ok to use rain water in your fish tank?
I don't have an RO unit, and as of right now I'm using tap water. I'm going to start using RO water from walmart but... Anyway, I figured I'd ask.
What would it hurt if I used rain water in my tank?
I'm not in a big city right now so polutants shouldn't be high and I'm in Florida near the beach... same water goes into the ocean so why not my tank?


Acid rain. (the ocean has a larger buffer/tolerance than a tank- sewers empty into the ocean too, but Im not going to poop in my tank). It's typically a problem everywhere. I guess you coudl collect some and test the pH and maybe other perameters. Just make sure its not comming from off your roof.


I'm gonna ask a question crazier than yours. How would you collect the rain? Put buckets in your backyard? Scoop it out of the flood basins? What do you do in the summer when it doesn't rain?
I guess I'm probably missing what you're saying but out here in California the only rain water I know of comes from the clouds and I don't think I would put it in my tank.
Also people pee in the ocean but I sure wouldn't let them pee in my tank.:D


haha funny question. Probably not a good idea.. I get my water from Farmer. they have RO/DI water for 37 cents a gallon.


No... No buckets.
We have a plastic tank/barrel that collects rain water and we use it to water our plants and tomatoes and what not.
The thing overflows all the time so I figured I'd ask if it'd be better than tap water (esp for water changes in my fish tank) but I suppose I didn't think about acid rain changing the PH or anything else...
Any who... This prob won't be the last dumb question out of me.


HEY JAY DONT WORRY! no stupid questions. just stupid answers.........pelena go easy on the kid

pelena i seen your tank you sure about the poop thing?