Rainbow Colored Corals


Yup weird request I know but I am looking for rainbow colored items to add to my 28gal. Things like ricordea, mushrooms, monti, zoas, palys etc that come like that I am interested in. Let me know if you have anything and pics would be awesome. I would need shipping to FL so please keep in mind. Going to be going with cheapest people who list due to price!
P.S. I also am looking for a few mushrooms expecially an umbrella one! I have a huge coral surprise coming tomorrow hopefully so will know more of what mushrooms I will be looking for then. Hoping there will be some in there but not sure what all will be there yet.


I have many colorful rics for sale & im in Florida. Check the listing Ricordia for Sale / Trade Miami. I can ship in florida USPS Next day and it should get to you over night. The shipping is under $10.
Let me know if you like/want any