Rainbow Lifegard


I did a search on this topic and found no information on the modular filtration system, I did found information regarding the Fluidized Bed Filter.
I'm wondering if anyone is currently using a Rainbow Lifegard Filter. Is it any good ?


They're pretty small, over priced, but.... they look cool, and a module idea is neat.


Over priced?
Mechanical Filter $59.50
Chemical Filter $41.00
FB300 Fluidized Bed Filter $66.25
I don't need the heater.
Do you think is to over priced ?
should I add a skimmer to the setup ?
How small is to small ?
I don't know how tall it is


Skimmers are always suggested. The majority of the ones in the hobby can't do anything but good.
Those prices seem inline with the what I've seen them priced at. There is a few different sizes that Rainbow Lifeguard makes though. Its not that they're expensive in themselves. Its that the amount of mechanical/chemical/etc. filtration that they provide for the price is low compared to other models.
They do have a purpose, especially if space or neatness/appearance is important. I wouldn't use them on any large aquarium or reef though.


I don’t want to get confused here. You say that they don’t do a good job of its price but you would use them in large aquarium or reef?
What other system can I compare this one with… to decide on which to get… if I decide to.
I have a 125gls long… I don’t have a filtration system; I do have LR/LS and a small skimmer. But, there isn’t an almost perfect filtration system because everyone has something negative to say about any other filtration.
What would be better (for a 125gls FO/w LR and planning on some nice corals) filtration system?
This is a tough question, because everyone will talk about what he or she has and what has worked for him or her.
Can’t anyone say, “The best filtration system is…” even if they don’t own it.


Sorry to cut in on your post, but I am in the same position as you. I am going to set up a 135 gallon long, and would like to know what the best filtration is. I hope we can get some good replys:D


LOL, yeah... there are to many types of filtration available to have a "BEST". Plus, the type of fish, corals, etc. all play a part in what you need.
Sorry, if I didn't explain myself well above. Basically though, and this is personal opinion, on an aquarium of the size you are mentioning. I'd go with either a sump/fuge, along with a massive amount of live rock, sandbed, skimmer, and good water circulation. Thats basically called a "natural filtration method". Sounds almost like what you currently have.
A wet-dry and skimmer. UV IMO has its benefits in fish only systems when you're not concerned with pod reproduction.
As for other systems to compare? Do a websearch fo wet-dry filters for aquariums.
If you want additional mechanical or chemical filtration, which is what the modules you've mentioned above will provide. Than I personally would Suggest a Marineland Magnum 350. Its a great add on. You can switch between a micron filter for water polishing or run carbon for chemical filtration. The Fluidized Bed Filter module attachment, I'm not sure about. In industrial water treatment they do work, for aquariums, theres some mixed reviews. Personally I can't say anything about that attachment.


New Member
I've used a rainbow lifeguard fluidized bed filter for over a year now. I started the first 8 months or so with a 55 gal, now its on a 130 gal for the last 4 or so. Im running:
rainbow lifeguard(rated to 300 gal)
red sea prism skimmer
120+ lbs of fiji live rock
4 inches of sand
and two powerheads (one sweeps) to move the water around
I've never had any water quality problems, yet.
But I haven't put a load on it yet, I havn't had more than 4 fish (no coral) but I'm thinking of adding more fish now that the 130 has run without problem for a while.
I have had a problem with the rainbow leaking, but it was my fault. It seems that I overtightened some of the threads and after a year the stress took its toll. I have sealed it back up and it is working fine.