Rainforest Goby combatability


I saw my first rainforest goby the other day in my LFS and thought it was really neat. Are they reef safe and what's their temperment like? I did a search and didn't find a whole lot of info on the site about them.
Also, they kinda remind me of the six-line wrasse, are these two body types to much alike to live peacefully in a 37 gallon? I've got 70lbs of live rock in there with plenty of places to hide.


you mean rainford goby???
that a huge problem w/ common names, unles you have a photo it will be hard to say. rainford gobies to me don't look like 6 line wrasses.
got a photo?


Yes, you are correct, rainford Goby, must have heard the LFS person incorrectly.
I guess it's the lines on them that remind me of the six-line.
What can you tell me of these guys? My tanks been up for about 4 months, with a tiny bit of hair algea on my intake tube and some micro and macro's growing in the tank, both red and green's.


Did you get one?
Amblygobius rainfordi :joy:
reef safe, peaceful, shy, need hiding places, easy to care
omnivore ~ brine, mysid, meaty, algae
Six-lines are also reef safe but can be semi-aggressive if you're deciding between the two.


No, I decided to pass. I wasn't sure I could get him to eat other types of algea and didn't want to take the chance. I already have one fish, my scooter, that probably isn't going to make it, and starve to death. Plus, my hubby kindly reminded me that I promised not to spend a lot of money on my fish. Since I already lost one six-line ($19) I backed off. Ended up getting a yellow/purple/black spotted damsel, a clown goby (not added at the same time) and a sexy shrimp.
So far, so good. The clown is a green and red. I saw him a few times since I added him Saturday, but he's doing a lot of hiding. I'm hoping he's eating.