Raising Brine Shrimp


New Member
1. Hydration.
Put the cysts in a cup with freshwater, keep the ones that that sink.
2. Decapsulation
This is to break the cysts shell which can be done with chlorine. This should be diluted at 1:1 with water. You will notice the water turn a reddish to pink colour once the membrane is gone.
3. Hatching
Done usually with a hatching cone. Fill the water at 20-25ppt, ph at 8.2 to 8.4 and water at 20 degs celcius. They need strong airation. This takes 18-20hrs.
4. Naupli
What will hatch are naupli, tiny brine which require no extra feeding and within 3 weeks you will have adult live brine shrimp. Can be enriched with vitamins and can be fed yeast and algae (micro).
I hope this explains it