Raising hood on tank


We have MH lights installed into our hood and I need to boost them about another inch or so off the water. I'm thinking the easiest way to do this is to put a 1" x 1/2" piece of wood on the bottom inserts of the hood (the inserts sit on the tank to keep it from sliding off) and lifting it up that way.
Just wondering if there is any additional pressure on the tank glass from this? I'm thinking it will be no different as long as the wood insert goes completely around the hood as it sits on the tank.
I'll see if I can post a picture to better explain what I am trying to do.


Just wondering if my concerns are valid. I haven't put the hood on the tank yet as I am waiting to hear from you all as to whether or not this will change the pressure placed on the glass of the tank at all.


The only thing is that the plastic trim or lip of your tank might show through now, with the canopy shortened up that much...maybe?


Active Member
You have nothing to worry about.....When I build canopies I use the same setup with trim or bracing the whole way across........You could always add a filler piece to the canopy bottom or some trim!!!!!!