raising or lowering specific gravity


Hello, Is there a formula for how much salt mix to add to raising specific gravity. My 75G setup has a specific gravity of 1.020, I would like to get it at 1.022 or 1.023 - how much salt mix do i need? or is this a guessing game till I gain experience?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikesin
Hello, Is there a formula for how much salt mix to add to raising specific gravity. My 75G setup has a specific gravity of 1.020, I would like to get it at 1.022 or 1.023 - how much salt mix do i need? or is this a guessing game till I gain experience?
Is there anything in the tank? Jist do your top-offs with prepared salt water instead of fresh.. till you reach your desired s.g.


Active Member
To raise it, I mix alot of salt in a large glass. Add a little in the highest flow spot, probably the sump before return. And wait 20-30 minutes then check. If it's still low, repeat.
Just add small amounts at a time and give plenty of time in between. A large swing in a short amount of time can harm your critters.


Active Member
Because I'm constantly selling frags, my tankwater gets depeleated and sg drops. I have a 2g water bucket that I add about 5-6 cups of salt, then I just dump this into my fuge once the salt has dissolved, it's just enough salt to for me to go from 1.020 to 1.025


oops, my bad, no, there isn't anything in the tank, I just filled it the other day. But i added straight (unmeasured) RO/DI water to make up for the sump which resulted in the low s.g.