Raising salt?


My salt level is at 1.019. What do I need to do to raise the salt level correctly, and to what level is recommended? :thinking:


I like to stay between 1.025 and 1.027.
When you topoff your tank add saltwater instead of RO water.
Increase the salt level in the water when you do water changes. Not too much. You want to do it gradually over time.
That's it.


This is a tank that I just bought. It is starting to cycle again. I wessed up and put a yellow tang in there before it was through with the cycle(just figured that out). Do I just mix up some salt in a gal container and gradually pour it in until I reach the level desired? I put about 20 gal of water out of the tank when I bought it, and used RO water for the rest. I am just trying to raise the salt level without hurting the fish anymore than I have.


Tangs should only be introduced to tanks that have been established for a while. At least 6-8 months, but a year is better. You should do exactly what yetti said. Just top off with normal saltwater instead of freshwater. When water evaporates, the salt doesn't evaporate with it, so adding saltwater will really increase the SG. do it just a little at a time. you should raise it to about 1.025 over the period of like a week or so.